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Written by Barry Kowal
Sep 24, 2015 at 12:35 PM |
Before I start there are two things I want to say.I am a US citizen but I have spent two years out of my life in Canada.I have been to all the provinces and territories of Canada except for Nunavut.In 1985 I spent two months in Vancouver in and in 1995 I spent 3 months in the province of New Brunswick.In 1994 I took 3 months out of my life and drove from one end of Canada to the other.In 2002 I sort of drove across most of Canada spending 76 days going from Cranbrook,British Columbia to Quebec City. The Canadian people for the most part were very nice to people and have left me withmany good memories of their country. Now,the other thing I want to say is.I used to have a British girl friend.She left me with many good memories of the UK.In my youth I enjoyed listening to the music of The Beatles,The Rolling Stones,Led Zeppelin,Pink Floyd,The Who and Queen. That said on December 1,2018 Meng Wanzhou the board deputy chair of Huawei Telecommunications equipment company located in Shenzhen,China was arrested at Canada's Vancouver International Airport by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) on a provisional U.S. extradition request for fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud in order to circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iran.From December 7 to 11,Meng attended a bail hearing in Vancouver.She was released on a $10 million bail that was granted with conditions,including electronic surveillance.She was required to hand over her passports,of which seven were listed in her court records. On December 10,2018,two Canadian men Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig were taken into custody in the People's Republic of China.Their detention and subsequent indictment under the state secrets law is regarded as an act of retaliation against Canada for its arrest of Huawei telecoms executive Meng Wanzhou and has been cited as an instance of hostage diplomacy.The pair is frequently and colloquially referred to as the Two Michaels.The pair spent 1020 days in Chinese custody. After 1028 days on Friday,September 24,2021 the USA declined to extradite Meng Wanzhou and later that afternoon Meng Wanzhou was on a chartered flight heading back to China.Within minutes of Meng flying back to China the "Two Michaels" were on a plane heading back to Canada.There is no denial that China was holding the "Two Michaels" as hostages to obtain the freedom for Meng Wanzhou and it worked. Now the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) and the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) are spinning the story that the Canadians were good decent people following the rule of law while the Chinese were undemocratic and unjust in how they imprisoned the "Two Michaels". See:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td_67o5yBMw&ab_channel=CBCNews%3ATheNational This case primarily involves three countries-the USA,Canada and China.Although the USA,Canada and part of China (Hong Kong) were once part of Britain,Britain is not involved in this incident.However,Britain has audacity to claim Canada was properlyfollowing the rule of law when the UK doesn't.One needs to look know no further than how the UK court system is mistreating Julian Assange.Julian exposed the truth on how the US was committing war crimes by killing innocent civilians in Iraq and for doing this the US wants to send him to prison for 175 years.Julian has spent over two years at Belmarsh Prison in the UK awaiting extradition to the USA.Most of the journalists who have witnessed the court proceedings have considered the court hearings to be a joke.Just watch the videos presented by UK journalist Richard Medhurst who was a spectator in the "Old Bailey" in London where the Assange proceedings were going on. See:https://www.richardmedhurst.com/videos/assange/ So the BBC has no room to talk about following the rule of law. Further, Australia is just as bad.Julian Assange is an Australian citizen and his government won't help him.Too bad Julian is not Chinese.He'd be free now. Now back to the "Two Michaels" and Meng Wanzhou in Canada.Like the BBC the CBC is claiming the Canadian government is following the rule of law and China does not.There are three things wrong with that preception.The laws Meng was accused of violating were US sanctions NOT UN sanctions!!!! On May 8,2018 the USA with drew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action also known as the "Iran nuclear deal" or the "Iran deal".After doing so the USA im posed sanctions on Iran. Simultaneously,the USA was engaged in tarrif wars with China.Also,China's technology was surpassing that of the USA.So,in order to discredit the Chinese technology The USA got theCanadian government to arrest one of the major executives of Huawei Telecommunications Equipment Company,Meng Wanzhou.Any person with half of a brain could see that Meng's arrest was purely politicial,or perhaps Canadian officials did not want to see the political implications.Further,under Canadian law one is not supposed to be extradited for political reasons. Second,reverse the scenario,if China had an arrest warrant out for a US executive transitting through Canada do you seriously believe the RCMP would arrest the American exec.No way in hell. Third,this case on it's face is extreme over reaching.A Chinese business is entering into a business deal with an Iranian entity.That is none of America's business. So,in my opinion I believe the Chinese were quite justified in holding the "Two Michaels" hostage and the reason for their 1020 day captivity should fall on the Canadian government not the Chinese government. If the Canadians had spine when the US government asked them to arrest Meng Wanzhou at Vancouver International Airport, Canadian officials should have told the Americans "if you have a problem with China, you take it up with them,don't get us involved".Unfortunately Canada like the UK is a bootlicker.The "Two Michaels" could have been released at any time had the Canadian government freed Meng Wanzhou.But instead the Canadian government chose to kiss America's ass.Canada is responsible for the "Two Michaels" 1020 day incarceration.China is sending out a message to Canada and other countries in the world "if you want to kiss America's ass you can do that but not at the expense of China".
Last Updated ( Sep 26, 2021 at 12:38 PM )
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