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Written by Barry Kowal
Sep 11, 2015 at 06:45 PM |

Many people today are remembering the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks in the USA.Many are mourning those who died on that date.The US mainstream media is stirring up the CIA talking points and propaganda with self serving platitudes for the US public to digest like about what a great country the USA is and "those terrorists are jealous of our life styles". When remembering September 11 keep this in mind.George W. Bush referred to the September 11 hijackers as "cowards". Now let me say this.Who is a bigger coward. Those 19 hijackers who laid down their lives on September 11 or someone sitting behind a desk in California controlling a drone that will drop a bomb in Afghanistan or Iraq which will result in the deaths of women and small children.You tell me who is the bigger coward? When remembering September 11 keep this in mind.Most Americans when they think of September 11 only think of the Americans who died on that date.Most Americans ignore the fact that these hijackers must have had deep hatred for the USA if they were willing to end their lives in such a manner.In other words,the USA must have created this deep hatred. When remembering September 11 keep this in mind.During the Vietnam War (1964-75) over 58,000 Americans died.Americans complain about how 58,000 Americans died from the war but make little or no mention of the millions of Vietnamese who died and ignore the fact of all the agent orange the USA spread though out that country or the fact that the USA was invading their country.This is like a burglar breaking into someone's house raping the lady of the house.Then while endeavoring to flee is shot by the man of the house.Then we should all feel sorry for the wounded burglar/rapist. Then not mention about all the wars the USA started in other parts of the world especially the Middle East.When an American soldier drops a bombing killing innocent civilians in other parts of the world.Each person has a brother,sister, mother,father or a loved one who just lost someone who they loved very deeply.This can create deep hatred and one can understand why someone may be willing to die by smashing a plane into the tallest building in the world. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.Remember how many American politicians love starting wars so long as they are not the one's dodging the bullets.Bush,Cheney,Rumsfeld,Trump,Obama or their children were never involved in any military combat.During the Middle Ages the King went to the battlefield with his subjects before engaging in combat with the enemy and did not sit in a mansion or the White House or go off and play golf. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.15 of the 19 hijackers were nationals of Saudi Arabia while there were zero nationals of Afghanistan or Iraq.Afghanistan and Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.Yet the USA invades two countries that had nothing to do with September 11 and turns a blind eye to a country where 15 of the 19 hijackers had a home.In addition in October of 2018 Jamal Khashoggi a Saudi Arabian journalist working for the Washington Post living in the USA was murdered after being dismembered at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Istanbul,Turkey.Donald Trump then the US President refused to take any action against the government of Saudi Arabia citing the fact that too many jobs would be at risk should he do so.After all,money is what is most important to the orange buffoon. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.In November of 2001,one month after the USA invaded Afghanistan the Taliban offered to turn over Osama Bin Laden to the USA through a third country.But Cheney,Rumsfeld and Bush declined the offer instead preferring to keep the war going. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.The CIA had known the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden since 2007,4 years before he was allegedly assassinated in May of 2011.Further,ask yourself why was Bin Laden assassinated on the spot and denied due process of law.Could it be that had Bin Laden been brought to justice revelations might have been exposed that the USA would not find too flattering. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.22 veterans every day commit suicide-once every 65 minutes. The United States military veteran suicide epidemic is an ongoing phenomenon regarding a reported high rate of suicide among U.S. military veterans,in comparison to the general public.The United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010,which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day or one every 65 minutes.The total number of suicides differs by age group;31% of these suicides were by veterans 49 and younger while 69% were by veterans aged 50 and older. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_veteran_suicide. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.Donlad Trump is responsible for the deaths of over 500,000 Americans yet millions of Americans love him. When remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.September 11 lead to a 20 year war in Afghanistan which the USA lost just last month and the enemy they ousted in 2001 has returned to power in 2021.There is also still an ongoing 18 year occupation of Iraq. Lastly,when remembering September 11 also keep this in mind.There were those who were quite happy with September 11th and the ongoing aftermath and that was the military-industrial complex.Defense contractors and weapons manufacturers made a fortune.Companies like Boeing,Lockheed Martin and Raytheon just loved it.They are even planning for the future by endeavoring to Keep the USA in perpetual war. I remember once reading the greatest threat to peace and stability in the world is not Russia,it is not China,it is not Syria,it is not Iran,it is not North Korea,it is not ISIL,it is not Al-Nusra,it is not Al-Qaeda,it is the USA.When remembering September 11 keep that in mind!!!!
Last Updated ( Sep 13, 2021 at 09:12 AM )
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