Hello, one of my goals in life is to live to be 120 years old and die after being shot to death by a jealous husband.Afterall,there can be external factors like a bomb dropping on me in the next five minutes.However,excluding external factors here are my plans on living to be 120.
1)exercise-every day I wake up at 5 AM and jog 5 kilometers.A few years back several times I have already jogged a marathon.In 2015 Harriette Thompson at 92 years of age jogged a marathon.I will jog a marathon at 93. 
2)Have goals.In 1967 Mick Jagger said-"Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind" 96 year old former US President Jimmy Carter said in a recent interview that his secret to living a long life was to have goals.Further,he added you will never run out of goals. 
3)Learn new things-keep your brain active.Sudies show learning a second language can improve your I.Q. and prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. #:~:text=Learning%20a%20second%20 language%20offers,risks%20of%20dementia% 20and%20Alzheimer's.&text=It's%20now%20known%20that%20learning,buffer%20your%20brain %20against%20aging. 4)Stay contemporary.Keep abreast of what is going on today.I know a 72 year old man from the UK.He can tell me all about music from the 1950s and 1960s but he doesn't even know who "Ed Sheeran" is.Further,he doesn't even know who Daryl Hall is.Like Fleetwood Mac said in 1977. Don't stop thinking about tomorrow Don't stop, it'll soon be here It'll be, better than before Yesterday's gone,yesterday's gone 5)Eat twice a day.Walter Breuning who was the oldest man in the USA when he died on April 14,2011 (aged 114 years,205 days) in Great Falls,Montana,U.S.A. said his secret to living a long life was eating only twice a day. See: This makes sense I eat two times a day.I eat breakfast at 6 AM and then have a big meal at 3 PM.Most people eat lunch at 12 noon.Between 12 and 3 PM for your body to survive your body feeds of your body fat. 
6) Get checked by a doctor.After you turn 50 at least once a year you should visit a doctor.You may have a symptom you are unaware of if it can be detected early enough it can prevent reprecussions further down the road.In 2019 at 85 years of age Japanese ex-empress Michiko was diagnosed with breast cancer.She recovered. Had she not got checked up the cancer would have more than likely spread and when discovered it might have been too late. breast-cancer-palace#:~:text=TOKYO%3A%20Japan's%20former%20empress%20Michiko, (IHA)%20said%20on%20Friday.&text=In%20June%2C%20the%20agency%20announced,higher %20risk%20of%20heart%20failure.  7)Enjoy sex.Sex is good for your heart and blood flow.Many people when they get old get turned off by sex.My attitude is once you lose interest in sex you have one foot in the grave.I once met a 95 year old man and asked him "At what age do you stop having sex?".He said to me "I dunno ask someone older than me that question." Amen 8)Drink alcohol in moderation.In June of 2018,a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that among older adults,light drinking (in the range of one to four drinks per week) was associated with a slightly lower risk of death compared with zero consumption. Of the 10 oldest people in the world as of October 15,2020-3 are from Japan and 2 are from the south of France.In both areas moderate alcohol consumption is rather common. 
9)Sleep-You you should get 8 hours every day.I only get 6.I have to improve on that. Your body needs to recharge it's self.
10) Eat fish and vegetables.I eat a lot of fish and vegetables.In particular I eat a lot of Saba.Saba is high in protein,vitamins,minerals and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health,EPA and DHA are vital to cell development and are needed for fetal development and healthy ageing.Basically,if you eat lots of healthy fish like saba,you will live longer and be less likely to get sick--awesome! I recently watched a Japanese TV show that featured an 80+ year-old man who claimed that he hadn't caught a cold in over 40 years! He attributed it to the can of saba he eats for lunch every single day. 
It is no surprise the oldest person in the world Kane Tanaka is Japanese,3 of the 10 oldest people in the world are Japanese and the oldest man ever to live Jiroemon Kimura,who was born on 19 April 1897 and passed away aged at the age of 116 years and 54 days on 12 June 2013,was also Japanese. 
It is also no surprise that Japan is the country with the longest life expectancy in the world.
So follow these 9 steps and you too may live to be 120.