Hello people, from the polls it looks like unfortunately Joe Biden may become the 46th President of the USA.I am definitely no fan of Donald Trump but neither am I a fan of Joe Biden.When Joe Biden was vice-president he escalated the amount of wars the USA was involved in from 2 to 7.The orange buffoon has not started any new wars.When Biden and Obama bailed out the banks it resulted in 8 million Americans getting thrown out of their homes. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/12/obamas-failure-to-mitigate-americas-foreclosure-crisis/510485/ Obama/Biden prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/jan/10/jake-tapper/cnns-tapper-obama- has-used-espionage-act-more-all-/
Obama/Biden before Trump deported more people than any other president. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661 Obama/Biden and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch never prosecuted anyone from the NYPD after being captured on video murdering Eric Garner (I Can't Breath).Biden has already said he will veto any bill coming on his desk demanding "Medicare for all." https://www.healthcare-now.org/blog/covid-19-medicare-for-all/
Biden also may have dementia (wouldn't want him to have access to the nuclear codes).Like Trump,Biden is in bed with Big Pharma,big corporations and the war machine.They also both love fucking the poor and the middle class. This election will be a referendum on Donald Trump.His handling of the COV-ID epidemic has been disastrous and his deploying the US military to US cities to combat Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly,has not been enthusiastically received by the populous.Then you have political commentators like Noam Chomsky,Katie,Halper,Tim Black and David Doel saying although Biden might not be the best choice,he is a better choice than voting for Trump.These factors explain why Biden is so far ahead of Trump in the polls.Basically,Biden can stay in his basement,say nothing and he will probably win the election. One thing I find disturbing is that no politician has an automatic right to my vote yet most Americans don't feel that way.I feel a politician must earn my vote. If Joe Biden says he does not support "Medicare for all".I'd tell Joe Biden "as long you don't support "Medicare for all" you will not be getting my vote.Choosing between Biden and Trump is like choosing between getting shot in the chest and getting stabbed in the back.When you choose the lesser of two evils you still get evil.In 1980 I thought America was going down the toilet when Ronald Reagan was elected,until 2000 when Bush got elected.Then in 2016 it got worse with Trump getting elected.In 2024 will David Duke be getting elected.In other words your evils just get worse and worse.I will be voting for someone I like.That is why I will vote third party.