Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is now observed on the last Monday of May,having been observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970. We are supposed to pay respect to people who were gaslighted by warmongering politicians (kill them because their government does not have an economic or political system that the US government approves of)who then go to a foreign country,then kill people who they don't know and who never did anything to them.Too bad the USA doesn't have a day of paying respect to the small children these soldiers killed. Only 18% of the members of the current US congress have served in the US military (see: On the internet I was unable to find nor do I have any knowledge of any member of the current US congress who has engaged in actual military combat. Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times. (see vietnam-war-2018-12).Also Mike Pence never served in any branch of the US military. I guess people like bloodshed as long as it is not theirs.