Hello Americans, 58,220 Americans died during 10 years of conflict (1964-74) during the Vietnam War.Now on the watch of Donald J.Trump after three months 58,955 Americans(as of April 29,2020)have died from COVID-19.
see:https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/28/846701304/ pandemic-death-toll-in-u-s-now-exceeds-vietnam-wars-u-s-fatalities This happens one day before the 45th anniversary of Reunification Day in Vietnam. Every year on April 30 the Vietnamese celebrate their victory against the American imperialistic pig.
Before I proceed many people consider my rants as unpatriotic and almost treasonous. To them I just want to say-I am not sheep.I don't believe in that bullshit "My country right or wrong".I see myself as a citizen of the universe and my motto is "pride and ignorance work hand in hand",If my country is doing something wrong (like dropping bombs on small children and hospitals) I don't just stick my head in the sand-I call them out. The fact that more Americans have died from COVID-19 than Americans who died duringthe Vietnam War should be a wake up call.20 years ago I saw the train coming down thetracks (sort of explains why I have not lived in the USA for the past 16 years) I hopemost Americans can see it now. Donald Trump is not the problem with America.Like Roger Daltry of the "Who" saidin his 1971 classic "Won't Get Fooled Again"-"Meet the new boss Same as the old boss".It doesn't matter who sits in the oval whether it be Trump,Obama,Biden or Bush nothingwill change.
The politicians in Washington are controlled by the "Deep State".The deep state consists of unelected politicians who stay in government regardless of what political party occupies the White House (i.e.John Brennan,John Bolton,Mike Pompeo,Gina Haskell,etc,.etc.).Then you have high ranking military officials (i.e.Mad Dog Mattis,General David Petraeus etc.,etc.).Then you have defense contractors,Wall Street bankers and big corporations like the pharmaceutical industries.In a sense capitalist America is quite similar to Communist North Korea.In a Communist country the government controls the business enterprises.This is the deep state.In the capitalistic USA the business enterprises control the government.Doesn't matter weather you are Democrat or Republican you support endless wars,you oppose universal health care,you support bailing out big corporations and the banks and you enjoy fucking the poor.If a politician speaks out against the machine they will be brutally attacked.Just look at Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders.Even AOC is now following the party line.In 2006 Dianne Feinstein wanted to investigate war crimes committed by Americans in Iraq.John Bolton pulled her on the side and said "We know where your children live".She turned white as a ghost and dropped the investigation.
When the US military drops bombs on hospitals in Afghanistan and on school buses full of children in Yemen most Americans think-that is another part of the world,that does not concern me.Some Americans even think the USA has the divine right to kill people (especially if they are not white) in other countries because America knows what is best.Not me.When I see the USA dropping bombs on small children in Asia or Africa I think what is to stop the US government from doing the same thing in the USA.Already over 58,000 Americans have died from CIVID-19 largely due to the response.At first the government was in denial.Still they refuse to provide PPE to essential and front line workers.Although pandemics happen from time to time in world history,no PPE and ventilators were kept in storage in the USA.In a capitalistic society this is not profitable.With over 30 million Americans unemployed it is more profitable to let Americans die than it is to pay them unemployment insurance. Now this COVID-19 crisis has no end in sight.They say the crisis will end when a vaccine has been created or when the virus has been eradicated.But what if scientists never create a vaccine and the virus is never eradicated? This COVID-19 crisis is really displaying capitalism at its zenith.Many people are losing their jobs.So they can't pay their rent,then the landlords can't pay their mortgages.Then many small banks will be losing money and they will get sucked up by the bigger banks.The very very wealthy will be able to sustain the COVID-19 crisis.However,there are many rich people who will become middle class.Many middle class will become working class.Many working class people will become poor and many poor will become extremely poor.Then there will be a fire sale for the very rich and they will buy up all these properties.Then make a lot of money when the COVID-19 crisis ends.Some say after this crisis about 100,000 people will own all the property in the USA.We are heading back to the days of feudalism with the "lord of the manor" and the serf. Not to mention prices go up,wages stay down and labor unions are being busted.This makes it more difficult for workers to rise up.Now oil is selling for less than 0 dollars a gallon because of the decline in demand.Many people believe the economic downturn will last longer than the Great Depression and many more will die.The elite will regard this as collateral damage.They say there are two ways to go broke.Have no money or have a lot of money that is worth nothing.As I have said in previous blogs-in the 1990s when Communism fell,it fell out of a one story window.When the US capitalistic society of the USA falls it will be falling out of a 20 story window. WILL MORE AMERICANS DIE FROM COVID-19 THAN AMERICANS WHO DIED IN WORLD WAR II?