Written by Barry Kowal
Sep 11, 2015 at 06:13 PM |

18 years since the September 11 attacks and there are many facts not known about the incident.There is one very important fact the media seems to ignore. THE USA INVADED AFGHANISTAN ILLEGALLY!!!.After September 11 the USA believed Osama Bin Laden was behind the September 11 attack and he was hiding in Afghanistan. Acting in accordance with international law Afghanistan told the USA show us proof he was behind the September 11 attacks and if we have him we'll give him to you. The USA's reaction was "Who the fuck are you to ask us to provide proof". So the arrogant empire invaded Afghanistan.Notice 10 years later on May 2,2011 Osama Bin Laden was unarmed in Pakistan when he was assassinated.Notice the USA did not capture him alive,leads one to suspect that had Bin Laden not been deprived of due process of law,some embarrassing revelations might have been exposed.It is just pathetic that the US invasion of Afghanistan is still justified by the main stream media. You Know in an interview several years ago retired CIA agent Ray McGovern said when working with the CIA,he was told that telling a lie will quickly obscure the truth.He added he was told if you do not have any evidence you just lie lie lie.Then if in a year or two the truth is revealed it won't matter to anyone.This is exactly what is happened with the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964,Iraq War in 2003,the downing of Flight MH 17 in 2014 and with the September 11 attacks in 2001. Although the September 11 hijackers put their lives on the line,George W.Bush labeled them as "cowards".At the same time a soldier sits behind a desk in California and has a drone drop a bomb on a bus full of children in the Middle East.You tell me who are the bigger cowards?
Last Updated ( Sep 07, 2019 at 06:18 PM )