Written by Barry Kowal
Dec 09, 2015 at 09:21 AM |
One quality that Just Trudeau the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada is lacking that his father the 15th Prime Minister of Canada had is obstinance.When Pierre Trudeau was PM of Canada unlike Australia and New Zealand he refused to send troops to Vietnam.Not following the USA Pierre Trudeau followed the rest of the world and introduced the country to the metric system.Pierre Trudeau tried to give Canada an identity independentof the USA. Even Jean Chretien the 20th Prime Minister of Canada had integrity. In 2003 when George W, Bush asked Chretien to send troops to Iraq he told Bush to "show me proof Iraq has WMDs".Bush never did and Canada never sent troops. In 2003 just prior to the US invasion of Iraq,an Iraqi citizen who had family in Winnipeg fled Iraq.He flew first to Hong Kong Then he flew to Vancouver changing planes in Honolulu then on to Winnipeg.The US found out he had changed planes in Honolulu and demanded Canada extradite him to the USA.Once again Jean Chretien said "show me proof he committed a crime". However,times have changed.While Stephen Harper was Canada's 22nd prime minister,on Friday,November 21st,2014 an anti-nazi resolution was presented before the entire UN General Assembly.The resolution would condemn attempts to glorify Nazi ideology and to deny German Nazi war crimes,including the Holocaust.The resolution overwhelmingly passed.But the USA,Ukraine and CANADA voted against the resolution. You can read all about it at: During the 2016 Olympics WADA (based in Toronto) without presenting any proof accused the Russian Olympic team of doping violations.Resulting in destroying the careers of many Russian athletes,many who never tested positive for doping.Clearly,the Canadians were acting under the direction of the USA. Then at the 2018 G7 Summit in June in Quebec Donald Trump humiliates Justin Trudeau. Trudeau just shrugs it off. Then in November of 2018 Ukrainian ships illegally enter Russian waters and are detained. Canada joins the USA in labeling Russia as an aggressor.If US Warships went into waters outside Vancouver would the Canadians consider themselves an aggressor. Now Canada may have bitten off more than they can chew.Now acting like a puppet of the USA (something Canada is good at doing) Canadian police at Vancouver International Airport on December 1,detained Meng Wanzhou who is a Huawei,a Chinese telecom corporation,CFO and daughter of its founder.She is like Chinese royalty.How would the Canadians like it if China detained Wayne Gretzkey,Justin Bieber,Celine Dion or Shania Twain. If Justin Trudeau had spine he would have told the USA we will not do your dirty work.China is now vehemently demanding the Canadian government release Meng Wanzhou.For being America's puppet Canada is now on China's shit list.America only has 300 million people while China has five times as many people.When I lived in Vancouver in 1985 it was gaining the nickname of "Hongcouver".There are also big Chinese communities in Calgary and Toronto (Markham).China is now telling Canada if Meng Wanzhou is not released there will be serious reprecussions.The Canadian government is now probably scratching their heads,asking themselves "was it worth it to be sucking America's dick?".
Last Updated ( Jul 17, 2021 at 05:28 PM )