Written by Barry Kowal
Apr 20, 2018 at 06:32 PM |

If you listen to the Mainstream Media they will tell you the USA on April 14,2018 bombed Syria to punish the Syrian government for using chemical weapons on its citizens.If you are gullible enough to believe that bullshit,then I got some swamp land to sell you in Minnesota. First of all the evidence relied on by the USA,UK and France were videos posted by the so-called "White Helmets" a terrorist propaganda group funded by the USA & UK.Even on April 13 "Pink Floyd" founder denounced the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize nominee rights group as a 'fake organization' that provides propaganda for "jihadists and terrorists". see:https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/roger-waters-slams-fake-white-helmets-as-a-terrorist-front-1.6007488 This fact has been known by many journalists like Max Blumenthal for quite some time. Syria was winning the war against ISIL and the "White helmets" are trying to sabotage the endeavors of the Syrian government. This is another false flag just like the one in 2013 and the one in April of 2017.Even US Defense Secretary James Mattis said there was no proof of a chemical attack in April of 2017. Setting the proof question to the side,why is the USA really bombing Syria? Again,the MSM they will tell you the USA wanted to punish the Syrian government for using chemical weapons on its citizens.So how does the USA react to someone killing people with chemical weapons? They kill the same people with good Christian bombs.I guess that is more moral.Further,how many small children in Syria have been killed with illegal cluster bombs by the USA? Over in Yemen,Saudi Arabia is committing a genocide. https://www.globalresearch.ca/war-crimes-and-genocide-in-yemen-death-destruction-starvation/5627917 I don't see the USA shooting any missiles at Saudi Arabia.As a matter of fact the USA and UK are provinding Saudi Arabia with weapons and logistics. In early April,in Israel unarmed Palestinians and an unarmed journalists (wearing a vest with PRESS written on it in big letters on the vest)were shot to death. See:https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-palestinians-protests/palestinian-journalist-killed-in-israel-gaza-protests-idUSKBN1HE0A2 Again,I don't see any missiles heading towards Israel. Applying American logic.The Americans are poisoning the water in Flint, Michigan and are using chemical weapons on Native Americans in Standing Rock,North Dakota.So,perhaps Syria should drop bombs on Washington and New York because they don't like the Americans using chemical weapons on their citizens.The arrogant Americans would probably reply "We don't care about black or poor people" and defense stocks prices Soared After Trump's Airstrikes in Syria. A ha!! See:https://thewire.in/world/interview-defence-stocks-soar-after-trumps-airstrikes-in-syria Last year,"Fortune" magazine calculated that the share prices of defence contractors and companies rose by as much as $5 billion dollars after Trump launched his attack on the Syrian air base.This year the numbers are similar,no doubt. The bottom line is the USA could not give a shit about the Syrian people. The only thing America gives a shit about is Money Money Money. As I just stated defense contractors made big money as a result of this attack.Syria has many natural resources.The war in Syria has been going on for seven (7) years and will probably be going on for much longer because the Americans want Syria's natural resources and will go to any extreme and will kill as many people as necessary to obtain their goal. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
Last Updated ( Apr 20, 2018 at 06:56 PM )