Written by Barry Kowal
Jan 22, 2015 at 09:34 AM |
US/Mexico border
 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge
The US government was in shutdown this weekend (January 20,2018) because Donald
Trump wants a wall to be built along the USA/Mexican border.While this is going on
China is making business deals with Latin American countries.China has just signed
an agreement to expand their "Belt And Road Initiative" to now go across the Pacific
Ocean and include Latin America and the Caribbean. In most Latin American countries
China is now their biggest trading partner. The USA wants to build a wall in the USA
and have a Latin American country pay for it.While China will build bridges and roads
in Latin American countries and China will pay for it.
Further,since the economy has improved in many Latin American countries,less Latinos
are migrating to the USA.Also Latinos don't like getting harassed by the police in the
USA.Perhaps the USA is building a wall not to keep Latin Americanos out but to
keep Americans in. In another development the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hopper sailed within 12 nautical miles of the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea on January 17,the Washington Post reported Jan. 22. It was the first U.S. freedom of navigation operation in 2018. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by saying the U.S. vessel violated China's sovereignty and security interests and ordering the vessel to withdraw. Beijing issued a warning in People's Daily, stating that the more ships the United States sends to the South China Sea, the more China will bolster its presence there. Basically China was saying,we are not Iraq,Syria or North Korea.You fuck with us you'll get a foot up your Ronald McDonald's ass. Go see:https://worldview.stratfor.com/situation-report/china-us-navy-vessel-sailed-south-china-sea In my 2017 Year End Review I predicted that by 2050 China would over take the USA as the world's #1 super power and there are others that are predicting China to be #1 by 2030.It may be sooner. See:http://hitsofalldecades.com/chart_hits/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4174&Itemid=58 America keep building your walls and China will keep building bridges.
Last Updated ( Jan 23, 2018 at 04:49 PM )