Hello people,
who will be the last person left standing?
On April 16,2007 Seung-Hui Cho commits a mass shooting killing 32 people at Virginia Tech
University in Blacksburg,Virginia.At the time,it was the deadliest shooting carried out by a single gunman in U.S. history.
On July 20,2012 James Eagan Holmes commits a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora,Colorado,
during a midnight screening of the film The "Dark Knight Rises".Twelve people die,there are 70 Non-fatal injuries:58 from gunfire,
4 from tear gas and 8 from fleeing accidents.
On December 14,2012 Adam Lanza fatally shoots 20 children between six and seven years old,as well as six adult staff members
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,Connecticut.This shooting is the seventh-deadliest school massacre by death toll (27 killed).
On December 2,2015,Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik,a married couple living in the city of Redlands killed 4 people and 22
others were seriously injured in an attack consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Center
in San Bernardino,California.The attack was the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S.since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting,and the deadliest terrorist attack to occur in the U.S. since the September 11 attacks.
On June 12,2016,Omar Mateen a 29-year-old security guard,killed 49 people and wounded 58 others in a terrorist
attack/hate crime inside "Pulse",a gay nightclub in Orlando,Florida. At that time it was the deadliest mass
shooting by a single shooter in the U.S.
However,on Sunday,October 1,2017 the record set by the Orlando shooting was surpassed when a mass shooting that
occurred at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise,Nevada.The shooter was
64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite,Nevada. He was found dead in his hotel room with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
With at least 59 fatalities (including the perpetrator) and 527 injuries (More than any day in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq),
this incident surpassed the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history.
Now mark my words within two more years there will probably be a gunman who will commit a mass shooting that will surpass
the number of people killed during the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
It is rather funny how the FBI and Maintream media considers the San Bernadino and Orlando shootings as acts of terror
but not the shooting on the Las Vegas strip. I guess that is because the guy who committed the Las Vegas shooting
is a good white Christian.Only people who are black or Muslim are considered terrorists.
The MSM describes Stephen Paddock as mentally ill and deranged.
The USA who considers itself to be the policeman of world is not doing too good of a job at policing themselves.
The National Rifle Association's vice president,Wayne LaPierre,first coined the "good guy with a gun" argument
in 2012 after the Sandy Hook school shooting.During a press event in Washington,LaPierre essentially suggested that
a "good guy" who carries a firearm in public could use it to take down a "bad guy" or active shooter.
Well Mr. LaPierre where was this good guy with a gun on Sunday,October 1,2017 in Las Vegas.I guess the
good guy with the gun showed up after 59 people paid with their lives for the NRA's "right to bear arms".
That argument a "good guy with a gun" is clearly illogical. In 2015 some criminals were in the process
of committing a robbery at a bar in Washington,DC. The criminal knew one of the patrons was a cop with a gun.
The cop was executed. The patrons who didn't have a gun were able to see their families the next day.
On the Las Vegas strip on Sunday,October 1 this was a country & western concert. Most people who
enjoy country & western music tend to vote Republican and most Republicans love guns.
However,these guns didn't help on Sunday night. If one of these gun owners were to brandish a
firearm at the concert the trigger happy cops would probably execute them because the police
will mistake them for the shooter.The police won't know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.
As a result of the shooting one of the Republican band members Caleb Keeler who was performing
at the Las Vegas concert on Sunday,October 1 is now anti-gun. Watch Jimmy Dore talk about it at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLh3T_ct-sw.
That is typical "Republican". Republicans don't understand a problem until it hits home.
A Republicans doesn't understand health care until they lose their job get sick and are denied health care.
Donald Trump doesn't understand the first amendment to free speech when he complains about black NFL players
kneeling during the National anthem at football games to protest unarmed black men getting murdered by crazy
sadistic cops.That flag represents different things to different people.But when a bunch of white racists want
to protest the removal of a statue of a man,a man who was an anarchist who tried to overthrow the government
of the USA and killed people to defend the degrading and demeaning institution of slavery, named Robert E. Lee.Suddenly
Trump becomes a defender of free speech. Typical Republican. Anyway,I shouldn't be beating up on Caleb Keeler.
At least he saw the light.But this incident in Las Vegas happened because
of other Republicans like him.
However,now there will be more stringent security checks at concerts and more checking of luggage
belonging to guests staying at hotels.I guess this is the price Americans will pay for their right to bear arms.
Unlike Caleb Keeler there will be second amendment right-wing wackos defending an individual's
right to bear arms and opposing any restrictions.
Me myself I like to go to a hotel and not have my luggage checked. If I go to a concert I do not want to have
to worry about getting shot while watching that concert.Paying that high of a price is too expensive for me.
One reason why I live in Thailand.