Written by Barry Kowal
Apr 20, 2015 at 06:49 PM |
Hello people, unless you have been living under a rock you have probably heard all the saber rattling the US has been doing against North Korea.The big bully (actually a coward) on the block has been demanding that North Korea abandon it's nuclear weapon program or risk a pre-emptive strike from Uncle Sam. Well, if Kim-Jong-Un the North Korean leader has half a brain he won't abandon his nuclear program. Just look at recent history. Colonel Omar Kaddafi of Libya abandoned his nuclear weapons program in 2008.Then,in 2011 the US & EU topple him and his government. In 2015 The US,Iran & EU enter into a nuclear power agreement. Now the US is walking back and wants to impose sanctions on Iran. Since the Korean War in the 1950s,where the USA murdered 20% of the DPRK population,how many countries has North Korea invaded? ZERO. How many countries has the USA invaded-Vietnam,Cambodia, Grenada, Iraq...need I continue. North Korea does weapons tests within its sovereign borders. While the USA indulges in military exercises with South Korea and Japan right on North Korea's doorstep. North Korea is not provoking the USA.It is Ronald McDonald that is antagonizing and provoking North Korea.The DPRK is just trying to protect their nation and their people from the arrogant USA. Further,if the USA were to start a war with North Korea it would not be a walk in the park like it was with Iraq.North Korea has mountains.The USA clearly won't be able to use China (which has almost a 1000 Km. border with the DPRK) as a base in which to launch attacks on North Korea. The US has military bases in Seoul (less than 50 kms. from the DMZ) and Japan which both would be easy targets for the DPRK. You see the US military are a bunch of cowards. They have invaded many countries since the end of World War II. But all the countries were smaller and weaker. The USA has never invaded a country with nuclear weapons.That is really why the USA wants North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program. The fact that North Korea has nuclear weapons is the reason why the North Korean government is able to protect their sovereign nation and it's people from being toppled by a belligerent adversary like the USA. The USA has the attitude that they can go around the world and shit and piss on any one they want at any time they want unless they know that that person can do like wise to them. NORTH KOREA-KEEP THOSE NUCLEAR WEAPONS
Last Updated ( Apr 20, 2017 at 07:07 PM )