Hello people,
I do
not do these blogs for my health.I do them with the hope of enlightening others
to the world around them.In 2015 I did a blog predicting World War III would be
coming by 2017.See:http://hitsofalldecades.com/chart_hits/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2726&Itemid=58
hope I am wrong but due to recent events this doesn't appear to be the case.
Currently I live in Thailand and I haven't
lived in the USA since 2004.I am still a US citizen. So I can say what I am
about to say.Americans are engrained with the idea that they have
"American Exceptionalism".They are brought up to believe they are the
chosen people and everybody else is shit.They believe they can go around the world.Shit and piss on
anybody they want,any time they want just because they can do it.Just look at
what happened last week,US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said "I think the...
longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian
people.".Then on a Sunday Morning TV Show on April 2 US Senator John
McCain was outraged by this comment and replied "how can the Syrian people
determine their own future?"
Americans believe they have the right to go into other countries,destroy
their history,destroy their culture and tell them how to live.
Thursday April 6,2017 marked the 100th anniversary of the USA entering
World War I and 100 years later to the day Donald Trump fires 59 missiles into
Syria. Although technically the "antebellum" this act may have just
started World War III. Although Donald Trump as a candidate ran on a platform
that he wants to stop all US interventions. Now he does a 180.
claims to have done the act because he believes Bashar al-Assad used poisonus gas on his own people.Whether or not he believes this I strongly doubt it. Pure
logic would dictate that Assad would have to be insane to use chemical weapons
on his own people. In 2013 inspectors inspected the government controlled area
of Syria and found no presence of chemical weapons.The inspectors could not
gain access to the rebel held territories. Last week the Syrian army attacked
an ammunition depot controlled by US-EU backed terrorists. Unknown to the
Syrian army,the US-EU backed terrorists were storing poisonous gas in the
depot. This exploded causing over 80 people to die.
was involved in a six year war with US-EU backed terrorists.He had the upper
hand.The war was winding down. In the near future he was going to Geneva to get
aid to rebuild his country. Why would he kill his own people and risk
international condemnation?
Further scientists know that only low level poisonous gas can be dropped
from a plane.Not enough to kill 80 people.
next day the United Nations determined there was not enough evidence to
conclude who carried out the chemical attack.In response to this the fascist US
Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said on Wednesday,April 5 "When the
United Nations consistently fails in its duty to act collectively,there are
times in the life of states that we are compelled to take our own action".
next day Trump bombs Syria. The USA without displaying any evidence disregarded
the findings of the UN and acted as judge,jury and executioner. There is little
difference between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler. The USA government like it
also did with George Bush in 2003,flaunts international law and does what it so
desires regardless of the consequences.
This like living in a community where the
police don't abide by the law.If the police don't who else will. Same with the
UN if the USA disrespects the law what kind of a message does this send to
other nations. Just like in 1939 when Hitler unilaterally invaded Poland,he outraged
others.Others should be outraged at the USA for bombing Syria.
side note. After the US attacked the Air Base in Syria the US-EU backed
terrorists made advancements on the Syrian Army. Which begs the question-Are
the terrorists and the US in cahoots?
other side note.Whlie Trump's goons were bombing Syria the Chinese President Xi
Jinping was staying at Trump's home in Florida.Clearly,the USA was sending a message
to both China and North Korea.
after bombing Syria,the mainstream media and Trump's foes like Hillary Clinton
and John McCain suddenly embrace him and the Neo-McCartyism witch hunts suddenly
disappear.Did he bomb Syria to get the deep state off his back? or was he compromised?
CIA make the Mafia look like chumps. I would not be surprised if the CIA did
not ask Trump "Do you like your daughter?" Then Trump replies
"yes" and the CIA responds "then you give us our war".
time you watch TV notice how Trump now speaks like he is reading from a
teleprompter and not talking off the cuff like he did before the election.Look
at Trump's eyes and face.It looks like he has an albatross around his neck.His
eyes seem to be saying he knows something that is not good.
Here is my prediction. The sociopaths in the
deep state clearly want war with Russia. Their problem is they are lacking
public support.They do not like all the protests. So,first the USA will
continue showing pictures or dead small children.But they won't show pictures of
the children the US slaughtered in Mosul or the children they just killed in
their recent bombing of the Syrian Air Force base. Gimme a break Nikki Haley
& Donald Trump feel pain for small children that die.But any way Trump & Haley will do it to garnish public support.
the US government has to tie Russia into the Syrian chemical attack. This is
why the US congress is now holding congressional hearings to try to link Russia
to the chemical attacks. Then the US government will try to make Putin look
like the Anti-Christ.Then the big one.The USA then needs another September 11
or Pearl Harbor.They may just create one.
This will be the catalyst for starting World War III.
question is not "IF there will be a World War III?" The question is
"WHEN will there be World War III?"