The new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau is off to a good start. Just one day after being elected he called US President Barack Obama on the phone and told him that he'd be pulling Canadian troops out of Syria.I guess he doesn't want to be fighting America's wars. For him to leave troops in Syria would be a lose-lose situation. Over a year ago the US illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Syria and began bombing ISIL. Then Obama was audaciously declaring that he will defeat ISIL. Within a year ISIL has expanded in both size and number. When in reality all America really wanted to do was to topple the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad.The USA has used Orwellian tactics like demonizing al-Assad (they use this tactic quite often) by portraying him as a brutal dictator. The USA had been trying to topple al-Assad now for almost four years. If al-Assad was such a brutal dictator,after that long a period of time he would have more than likely been toppled. Obviously he has enough supporters to resist the advances of the arrogant Americans. All the Americans did this past year was destroy the Syrian infrastructure.And Stephen Harper,Trudeau's predecessor being the lap dog that he is was happy to follow the USA with bombing campaigns. Now al-Assad has asked his long time ally Russia to help fight ISIL. Russia has done more damage to ISIL in just two weeks than the Americans did in over a year. If the Canadian troops were to remain assisting the Americans in Syria the only thing Trudeau would have given the Canadian people was Canadians returning to the land of the maple leaf in body bags. Good go Justin.
In 2018 Justin Trudeau became a puppet.In 2003 George Bush asked then Prime Minister Jean Chretien to become part of his coalition of the willing because he believed Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction.Jean Chretien said "show me proof" and did not send troops to back Bush. Fast forward to 2018 the UK without any evidence or proof asserts that Russia used poisonous gas on two Russians living in the UK.UK Prime Minister Theresa May asked Justin Trudeau to expel Russian diplomats in their country.Justin did not say "show me proof" he just agreed with what Teresa May said. Today is April 16,2018.The alleged Skripel gas attack in the UK occurred on March 4,2018. Since March 4 has anyone seen any photos of the Skripels or heard their voices? That should send up a red flag.But not for puppet Justin Trudeau. On April 13,2018 the USA illegally attacked Syria with over 100 missiles being fired upon the sovereign nation.Justin Trudeau is sucking America's dick and supports the Illegal attack by the USA on Syria.Just like his predecessor Stephen Harper he is another US puppet