Hello people,
before we start I want to make it perfectly clear that I am no fan of Donald Trump and I would never vote for him.However,unless you have been living under a rock,you are probably aware of the comments Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made on July 18th about US Senator John McCain,when he said McCain was no war hero.I noticed how quick Americans were to rally to the support of Senator McCain.Once again this made me reflect upon what my professor told me in university that "Pride and Ignorance" work hand in hand.
John McCain was involved in the Vietnam War. He went into a foreign country and dropped bombs on people's homes murdering and killing innocent women and children. As a senator he has supported bombings and wars in many countries like Iraq,Syria and Libya.He has encouraged and supported
the overthrow of democratically elected governments (i.e. Ukraine)If you ask me the North Vietnamese
were rather generous in sparing McCain his life.I ask you.If McCain dropped bombs on your home
would you consider him a war hero or a scumbag?
As far as Donald Trump goes.Unlike other politicians he has money to finance his own campaign.He is not indebted to any special interest groups.He does not read from a script. So he can speak his mind and say whatever he wants.Also he was a TV celebrity.He knows the media. He knows how to control the narrative. So it is no surprise with his brash comments that he is leading in the polls.
Politicians and lobbyists (i.e. Koch Brothers) do not like having someone not under their thumb.So, what will become of Donald Trump.Perhaps,one can just go look to the 1992 US Presidential Race when outspoken billionaire Ross Perot entered as an independent candidate.Others did not like his candid speech.Knowing they couldn't get to Perot,the Bush campaign threatened to kill his daughter.This forced Perot to drop out of the race.Just giving Donald Trump a heads up.