In February 2014 the US backs a coup d'etat
overthrowing the democratically elected Ukranian government with the
democratically elected president of Viktor Yanukovych. Fearing for his life
Yanukovych flees the Ukraine. The USA claims he just left and this was not a
coup d'etat but a revolution.
Fast forward to January 2015. In that month
Shiite militiamen of the Houthi insurgency seize the presidential palace in
Yemen's capital,Sana and overthrow President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi and his
US-backed government.The president fearing for his life goes to Saudi Arabia to
live in exile. The USA
calls this a
coup d'etat and not a revolution. It seems if the Americans don't like the
person in charge and he and his government are overthrown it is considered a
revolution.On the otherhand if the USA likes the guy at the helm and he gets
overthrown,then it's a coup d'etat.
Saudi Arabia (being backed and supplied with weapons from the USA) is bombing
Yemen to smithereens. Saudi Arabia probably the most undemocratic country in
the world. A country that funds many terrorist organizations like ISIL and
Al-Qaieda. So much for the USA's desire to create democracy through out the
What makes this situation more schizophrenic
is that the USA is portraying Iran as the boogie man in the room. Just like how
they blame Russia without evidence for the problems in Ukraine.The USA blames
Iran for the trouble in Yemen.Claiming without evidence that Iran is supporting
the Houthis. But at the same time the USA is helping the Shiites (who are
Iranian) in their war against
ISIL who is
backed by Saudi Arabia.
Sounds rather inconsistent. Is it really? As
I've said in previous blogs the US loves war and is
primarily concerned with hegemony. Once again the three magical words:
Weapons manufacturing is big business in the
USA. You don't make money if you don?t sell those weapons.
So,the USA creates wars and conflicts in order to make profit. The fighting is also
going on outside the USA (try not to
stir up trouble at home). So,as long as fighting continues The USA
makes money and it keeps themselve on top.