War III may be just around the corner.Some people think the peace talks held
last week in Minsk between Russia,Ukraine,Germany & France will bring peace
to Ukraine.The USA didn't participate in the talks. Unfortunately at those
meetings,no one was talking about the elephant in the room.That elephant in the
room was the USA and its desire for world dominance. When Vladimir Putin became
president in 2012 he set himself out a goal.That goal was to have Russia
restored to the status as a world superpower.In February of last year when the
USA backed a coup' d'etat that overthrew the democratically elected government of
the Ukraine,Russia felt as if the USA had crossed a red line.
Europe you don't now have any leaders with any spine like Charles de Gaulle or Winston
Churchill.Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande are puppets of the USA. Those
peace talks had shit to do with peace.There were two primary reasons for the
peace talks.For one the Ukraine economy is a basket case.They needed an IMF
loan.In order to get that loan they can't be involved in any conflict. Within
hours after the conflict went into a cease fire the IMF granted a loan for
several billion dollars to the Ukraine. The other reason for the peace talks is
that the Ukraine government is losing the war.They are surrounded. The cease fire will allow the Ukraine military to
reassemble and get reinforcements from the USA. The only kind of peace treaty
that would satisfy the USA would be unconditional surrender by the separatists
and Russia.
strongly believe the cease fire will be broken and the USA will openly back the
Ukraine government and then Russia will openly back the separatists. In other
words there will be a war by proxy. Then there is a good chance that other
European countries (in particular Baltics,Poland & the UK)through NATO will
get involved in the fray.
if that is not enough for NATO they may have a bigger problem with the USA
creation of ISIL. Yes US creation.After Americans go into foreign countries
destroy that countries culture,history,murder and kill women and small
children. They are going to piss some people off.If you murder someone?s wife
or kid.That person will make an alliance with the devil or whoever to get your ass.
countries like Egypt are following in America?s footsteps.Like the USA Egypt is
going into Libya without any UN mandate and in violation of international law
and starting to bomb the country.
a power vacuum ISIL is taking over Libya.Just across the Mediterranean is Italy
(Europen Union).Then you have the Greek financial crisis in the EU and Boko Haram
In Africa. What I am trying to say there are many conflicts evolving. It could
be part of a grander scheme created by the USA. Create chaos,divide and then
I am also
trying to say is that 2015 is looking a lot like 1938. Many conflicts and many divides before 1939.