week the world witnessed the tragedies that occurred in Paris where 17 innocent
people died. Last Friday the media gave full coverage to the two hostage
situations unraveling in the French capital. While on the same day while the
western media was focused on Paris 2000 people mostly woman & children were
slaughtered to death by Boko Haran in the
northestern Nigerian town of Baga.The western media paid very little attention
to this massacre.I guess 17 white people getting murdered in Paris is more
important to them than 2000 black people getting slaughtered in Africa.
Further one of the policeman that got murdered at the "Charlie Hebdo" massacre was a Muslim. Also a Muslim man working at the Jewish supermarket the
site of the second hostage situation on Friday helped people avoid detection by
hiding them in a freezer during the ordeal. The western media makes little
mention of these two facts.
In the
aftermath of the attacks in Paris,the French government provided extra security
for synagogues in France but none for mosques.While many mosques get fire
bombed throught France during the aftermath.
the Paris tragedy FBI director James Comey released a statement saying that this was the worse tragedy in Europle
since the July 7,2005 London bombings (perpetrated by Muslims) where 52 people
died. Mr, Comey seems to forget about July 22,2011 when Anders Behring Breivik
killed 77 people (mostly teenagers) and injuring 209 in Utoya,Norway. Mr.
Breivik is a white Christian.So Mr. Comey probably doesn?t consider him a
terrorist.Mr. Comey probably believes white people can't be terrorists.
Timothy McVeigh kills 168 people in a 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City and he's
considered by the media as just a wild card but not a terrorist. Last summer those yahoos who pointed guns at US federal
agents on the Clyde Bundy Ranch in Nevada are not terrorists.According to Sean
Hannity of FOX News they are freedom fighters.Also,the media gives very little
attention to the recent bombing of the NAACP building in Denver. The western
media also downplays the Israel slaughter and murder of about 2000 Palestinians
in Gaza last summer.
western media does not criticize,pry or prod on our world leaders.It is
nothing more than an echo chamber for western governments like the US,UK &
France. Only black people,Muslims and people who are residents of governments
the US doesn?t like are considered terrorists.It is no wonder people are
looking for alternative sources to get their news.