Written by Barry Kowal
Jan 02, 2010 at 07:36 PM |
JANUARY 2010 SMASH HIT OF THE MONTH "MICHELLE ANDREW" MICHELLE ANDREW MICHELLE ANDREW is my first Smash Hit of the Month.She is the Smash Hit of the month for "January,2010". For a woman to become smash hit of the month there are only three requirements. They are: 1) Must have nude photos. No shots in only a bikini or a skimpy. 2) Subject most be attractive. No Miss Piggy's 3) Subject must not be very well known. Number three fits Michelle to a "T". I looked on the internet and I found very little biographical information on Michelle Andrew. She is 5 feet 7 inches (1.7 meters) tall.I do not even know where or when she was born.However,she resides in Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada and she is probably in her 20s. The photos of Michelle are scenes from the 2007 movie "Good Luck Chuck". In the movie she does about a ten second sex scene (see photos). But those ten seconds were enough to catch my eye, so I declared her as my first smash hit of the month and crowned her the "Smash Hit of the Month for January,2010". If anyone has any biographical data on Michelle kindly send it to me in an email or post it in a message on this site. The message will be forwarded to my email address. I hope you enjoy the photos of Michelle. On February 1st I will post the "Smash Hit of the Month For February,2010".

Last Updated ( Jan 15, 2019 at 05:48 PM )